A couple lay on a sofa, laughing while embracing each other

Ryan Murrant

Intimate Couple Shoot

Intimate Couple Shoot – a beautiful way to celebrate and to enjoy your love for each other.

A couple lay on a sofa, laughing while embracing each other


adjective – situation in which you have a close friendship or sexual relationship with someone:

noun – the state of having a closepersonal relationship or romantic relationship with someone:

Are you an intimate couple?

What is an intimate couple shoot?

In short? Whatever you want it to be.

Intimate couple shoots are such a romantic way to capture your love for each other. Intimate moments that you can keep and treasure forever more. The holds, the squeezes, the giggles, the kisses…the romance. All of it. If it’s you two then we can capture it.

These shoots aren’t for everyone of course, far from it. In fact when I posted about these on my instagram I lost around 2% of my followers in one day! Madness eh? Especially when I am clearly a photographer who is very open about love, romance and the intimacy of it all! And I love to share that.

Woman facing her back to the camera straddles her husband while wearing jeans and a bra

What happens at an intimate couple shoot?

Again, whatever you want! We will do a fair bit of planning beforehand, chat in person and on FaceTime, exchange ideas, chat about the vision and the story of your shoot and plan where it will happen. I’ll also get to know you both, what makes you tic and laugh, what you love about each other and I’ll learn about what you would like capturing!

On the day or evening of the shoot, I will arrive around 30 mins before, we’ll have a coffee or a beer and then you two will be you two, and I will third wheel and capture those moments as they happen.

The shoot will usually last a couple of hours with breaks and changes as you wish.

What images will we get and will they be public?

You’ll get a private online gallery with all of the images delivered in the Ryan Murrant signature edits. That will stay online for 6 months and you can download all the images or buy some incredible prints from the gallery. For these shoots, a large percentage will be in black and white with a load of grain. So much more romantic, don’t you think?

What is the investment and how do we book?

Easy! You can WhatsApp here or head over to this contact page. We can chat about the investment and available dates. There are only five of these on sale each year so I hope you secure one of them!

Stay in love,

Ryan x